Dentistry is very interesting, isn't it? You'll find that it really is!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wisdom Teeth (molar ketiga / gigi bungsu / geraham terakhir)

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, do not always erupt properly when they decide to make an appearance. It's wise to get an early opinion from your dentist on the position of wisdom teeth before they become impacted, causing pain, swelling, infection, cavities or gum disease.

Why don't wisdom teeth grow in right?
Although we have seen a reduction in the size of the human jaw during the course of human evolution, we still retain the same number of teeth. The change in jaw size of modern humans is related to the discovery and use of fire to prepare food, and the development of crude tools, such as blades, to process food. As the need for a powerful jaw vanished, the jaw became smaller and the teeth became crowded. The space required for the proper growth of wisdom teeth is no longer available. (The modern human mouth is too small to accommodate wisdom teeth, which make their appearance in young adults between the ages of 17-20).

What does "impacted" mean?
When wisdom teeth don't have room to grow they are considered impacted-no place to go and no plans to grow. Third molar impaction is the most prevalent medical developmental disorder. A full set of healthy teeth sometimes doesn't leave much room for wisdom teeth to erupt.

What kind of problems can impacted third molars cause?
Partially erupted wisdom teeth are breeding grounds for bacteria and germs and may lead to infection. In addition to jaw pain and gum disease, which may also develop, impacted third molars are ripe sites for the growth of tumours and cysts. Not all wisdom teeth cause problems, however.

Can't I just use an antibiotic?
Antibiotics only soothe infected wisdom teeth for a short time. Since people frequently use a wide variety of antibiotics, the infection may be resistant to such medication and doesn't solve the real problem: The tooth can't fit in your mouth.

When is removal necessary?
It isn't wise to wait until wisdom teeth bother you. At an early age, people should be evaluated by their dentist who can track third molar development with the help of X-rays. Wisdom teeth should be removed when the decision has been made that they cannot erupt into an acceptable position.

What if I don't have any symptoms?
People with symptoms of impaction, such as pain, swelling and infection should have their wisdom teeth removed. A symptomatic impacted wisdom teeth also should be removed to reduce the chance of unexplained pain, cavities, periodontal disease, bone shrinkage and tumour development.

How is the tooth removed?
Surgery for impacted wisdom teeth consists of removing of the gum tissue over the tooth, gently stripping connective tissue away from the tooth and bone, removing the tooth and sewing the gum back up.

Taken from

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pertama kali ekso gigi posterior atas

Puji Tuhan!
Hari ini aku klinik BM (Bedah Mulut) dan dapat pasien eksodonsia yang datang sendiri. Tinggal sisa akar. Lumayan gampang coz tinggal satu akarnya. Walau ga ada teman yang bantuin, cukup lancar juga. Waktu tensi sempat ngulang dan ganti stetoskop coz yang pertama ga kedengeran apa-apa. Untuk diagnosisnya, tanya2 "Mas"-nya Reva (^^). Trus minta tolong Nicke ngambilin kuret. Baru pertama kali anestesi lokal untuk cabut gigi atas tapi anestesinya jalan. Terima kasih Tuhan udah nolongin aku. Kunikmati kemurahanMu yang tak pernah berkesudahan. Sebab Engkau yang telah menempatkan aku di FKG Unair, Engkau pasti selalu memelihara dan mencukupkan segala yang kuperlukan :) Di klinikku yang lain pun aku percaya Tuhan pasti menolong dan pertolonganNya takkan pernah terlambat. Amin!

Monday, May 5, 2008


Sekarang udah tengah semester VIII... kalo dipikir2, sebentar lagi lulus nih... kan kurang 1 tahun doang. tapi kok tetep aja kerasa masih lama. masih banyak klinik yang harus dijalani, ujian profesi yang harus dihadapi, ama KKN yang masih belum diikuti... meski skripsi udah selesai belum bisa santai nih. perjuangan masih panjang, sampe semester X harus bertahan. ga boleh kuatir ato putus asa. Tuhan turut bekerja dalam segala hal untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi yang mengasihiNya. semua yang kualami di FKG adalah PROSES yang membentuk aku menjadi kuat dalam menjalani hidup dan untuk belajar berharap hanya kepada Tuhan Yesus. meski kemasan luarnya jelek tapi aku percaya di dalamnya akan ada kado istimewa yang Tuhan sediakan bagiku. Sebab Dia memegangku dengan tangan kananku, aku takkan gentar. Tuhan adalah perlindungan dan pertolonganku, aku takkan takut. Terima kasih Bapa, Engkau tak pernah meninggalkanku sedetik pun. Engkau selalu ada di dalamku. Beriku kemampuan untuk senantiasa hidup di dalamMu. You're amazing God!